Abstract P2-02-09: Breast cancer subtype distribution and circulating tumor DNA in response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy: Experiences from a preoperative cohort within SCAN-B
Preoperative chemotherapy in early breast cancer increases the rate of breast preservation and provides prognostic …
Abstract P2-02-09: Breast cancer subtype distribution and circulating tumor DNA in response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy: Experiences from a preoperative cohort within SCAN-B
The Sweden Cancerome Analysis Network-Breast (SCAN-B) Initiative: a large-scale multicenter infrastructure towards implementation of breast cancer genomic analyses in the clinical routine
Breast cancer exhibits significant molecular, pathological, and clinical heterogeneity. Current clinicopathological evaluation is …
The Sweden Cancerome Analysis Network-Breast (SCAN-B) Initiative: a large-scale multicenter infrastructure towards implementation of breast cancer genomic analyses in the clinical routine